Thursday 1 April 2010


Evaluation (Question 4)

Q4) From our initial research we gained and understood that our film should mainly be targeted at age rated 15. From all our research we gathered, initial feedback was mainly sparked most interest from that range of category (aged rated 15). Most of our positive feedback gathered and interests was from around the aged category of 15-25it appear we were informed that “our idea is not common, something different for a change which mainly gathered attention… especially the story being revolved around terrorism … in some cases it reflects the inner world of what’s happening which consumers described as “reluctantly interesting” showing us that it is in worth producing around. However, as we did get positives and negatives, mainly our came from the younger generation, but most of our critics and dislikes came from the older generation, which we gathered feedback date in our questionnaires and interview forms. We were informed it was too vague and compact for the story to evolve around. Films such as The boy from Lebanon, the extremist, Hijack etc all revolve around our category which is terrorism. They may

have different storylines but implicate terrorism which is the most common factor. The listed films mainly appeal also to around the same age range as us. I have analyzed and looked at views and comments on those films gathering most that were interested are around the same lines as us in target audience. In our production we have only one character whom is asian. We have not represented Asians stereotypically in any way but we chose a character whom we decided that can fit in best in for our play role which the audience may also appeal too.

Evaluation (question 3)

Q3) From general understanding our film we produced as a whole could be produced by a major Hollywood film studio as they might just catch glance of something skillful in our production, However, realistically the film base has more of a glimpse chance to be arthouse film company with limited resources at first, later on starting to gain and build to a high professionalized production. Status, then beginning of on internet/television but still maybe laidback
due to limited funds. A film company/ a production company may gather and see our production and see talent and may give us a professional advice, or refer us to a small firm to start off our beginning career film career. Our film is similar to other productions as we tried to keep it as professional as we can, our film is similar to ideas from films casino royale, the getaway, the story plot is different but the way the directors have tried to engage the film so close to the audience we see that as key to our production; to grab full attention of the audience. Our film can be successful depending how good it is promoted, the more people that know about, starts to spread the name and helps in making it more publicized. Our film can start of at generally picking up (increasing) selling point. being promoted well enough it can lure attention from franchising/merchandising companies that would like to invest around a film by targeting it in the market for a reasonable price perhaps until it starts to gain but to endure success we would need to catch an eye of higher classes stated production company

Analysis of the opening of the grudge 3(horror thriller film)

The opening the starts of "when someone dies in the grip of a powerful rage ... a curse is born " followed up by "the curse in that place of death" then "those who encounter it will be consumed by its fury" appearing , straight away this builds confusion ,enigma and surrounds the audience with several explanatary questions running through their mind.Furthermore, it follows up with the opening scene entering with a close up shot tilting slightly downwards at the appearing actor. This is making the audience have full attention on this specific male actor has he expresses a distinguishing fierce, worried look and is staring down in slight moments of shaking which causes a tense entrance. Then the scene scopes up “those who will survive will carry the curse with them…” with a spooky soundtrack making the audience imagine what’s happening but however they do not have a clue atleast yet. After a few seconds in the same scene appears “until is reborn” causing an erosion in the a human mind perhaps some may understand something terrible is going to happen attacking the mind in confusion with questions. Moving on , the camera skips back to the male character with still a close up of his face as he says worry and his facial expression hes scared and is tensed causing the audience to focus on his facial expression” please don’t leave me and you.. he gets a response from sounding of a female actress “ don’t worry I wont be long , he reply’s “she’ll kill me before you get back in a stuttered voice and gets a response “you’ll be safe here, nobodies going to harm you” as this is happening the camera is still focusing on this actor but the camera is slowly zooming out away from a close up of his face, the conversation continues “ im only locking the door because were worries you’ll leave again as the female actor says, he starts to pump deep breathing and looks up, assuming he is looking at her he starts to panic and is facial expression as if he is going to cry, the audience must be glued in the film trying to puzzle out what is happening ; what is he scared about? , what happened ? etc…the director may specifically directed the camera tilting slightly downwards at the actor maybe telling us the other character is dominant and is powerful. As the camera is zooming out you see the side half of the other character as they are still talking the male actor says “ I was only trying to leave here because she was in here …followed up he says “ in an echoing voice as if he was crying “ why are you doing this to me in a relentless horried expression… she replies “I promise you Jake(characters name) I would never let anything happen to you in a sort of sarcastic untrustworthy tone making audience she’s probably lying , as this is happening the camera is still zooming out , slowly unfolding the other character until she is revealed as she comes and sits next to Jake, Jake is scared , nervous, tensed , focused perhaps thinking about something in fear or anger as we don’t know yet what’s is actually really happened/happening. The camera finally skips to unveiled female character as she says “ I have to make sure your safe and I need to attend other patients” this slowly starting to build sense that he may admitted to somewhere perhaps some kind of hospital, suddenly the camera scene skips to a medium long shot of the two characters but revealing a tattooed arm in the right corner of the scene blurring out the arm , so its telling us to still focus on the other two characters as the woman looks up towards at the third character, she then points up in the corner telling Jake “you see the camera up their , showing us then a new camera shot as we from the cameras point of view looking at the two characters. Then the camera skips back to side view from the woman looking at Jake as she says “ someone will be watching you , then at the same time the soundtrack deepens in two a fierce tensed , horror sound and Jake is emotionally scared ,worried and shook of what’s happening. He thens says “that wont stop her looking at the female character then puts his head down starts to fall in tears. The audience must be starting to build their own scripts and scenery of whats happening in their own minds causing a tensed epic start to horror thriller film



EVALUATION- question 1

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