Thursday, 1 April 2010

Evaluation (Question 4)

Q4) From our initial research we gained and understood that our film should mainly be targeted at age rated 15. From all our research we gathered, initial feedback was mainly sparked most interest from that range of category (aged rated 15). Most of our positive feedback gathered and interests was from around the aged category of 15-25it appear we were informed that “our idea is not common, something different for a change which mainly gathered attention… especially the story being revolved around terrorism … in some cases it reflects the inner world of what’s happening which consumers described as “reluctantly interesting” showing us that it is in worth producing around. However, as we did get positives and negatives, mainly our came from the younger generation, but most of our critics and dislikes came from the older generation, which we gathered feedback date in our questionnaires and interview forms. We were informed it was too vague and compact for the story to evolve around. Films such as The boy from Lebanon, the extremist, Hijack etc all revolve around our category which is terrorism. They may

have different storylines but implicate terrorism which is the most common factor. The listed films mainly appeal also to around the same age range as us. I have analyzed and looked at views and comments on those films gathering most that were interested are around the same lines as us in target audience. In our production we have only one character whom is asian. We have not represented Asians stereotypically in any way but we chose a character whom we decided that can fit in best in for our play role which the audience may also appeal too.

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