Friday, 7 May 2010
Evaluation Q7
-Opening a door
-Crossing a room and sitting down in a chair opposite another character,
-Exchanges lines of dialogue.
-Shot/reverse shot and 180-degree rule.
We did everything of the following, however it wasn’t done to the best of our abilities. He made quite a few errors and our storyboard was not fully done as we were rushing into it. Also we did not take it seriously because it was just a draft although it helped us acquire basic skills needed to use the camera. It was a 30second video that we had to make. In our final product (opening sequence) we have improved our technique significantly as we have used various shots, angles, editing and transitions. we also looked carefully into the dietetic and non dietetic sounds. our soundtrack was made from scratch and not borrowed from another as we thought this may have been copyright. The lighting and sound was extremely effective in our film as it needed to show exactly what time of day it was in order for the story to be told correctly. Overall we learnt a lot from our preliminary task and therefore made a great deal of improvement for our final production .The preliminary task helped a lot to make the final production successful and look professional.
Evaluation Q6
We used youtube to post our video up so we can attactch it to the blog.Here is a printscreen of the production:
I have also learnt how to set up a blog and how to keep updating it, lets the reader get more information. I have uploaded a lot of work onto our blog, such as what we will make as our open ing sequence, what we did make, how we made it, etc. We posted our video up on facebook. The advantage of this was that as we posted this up on facebook we got user feedback as to how our video was and other peoples opinions and what would make the video better so any improvements.
We used our blog and a camera to plan our opening sequence as well as a storyboard where we discusses every single step so that when we plan it would be easy. We used e-mail to contact our audience and get the feedback of them. We used a video camera to film our opening sequence, which was very easy to use as we learnt how to use it in previous lessons when planning. Another thing that helped me about thriller movies was the internet as it help me with existing movies which could give me ideas about my own thriller movie. It helps me find information about films that have been successful, what genre works best, what companies are popular. It gave me a lot of ideas and therefore produced a successful opening to a thriller movie.
Evaluation Q5
There are many enigmas in our opening sequence, for example where there are flashbacks, such as, “What was he doing in his office late night?”, “Why?”, “What had he done wrong?”, etc. There are also some enigmas in the field scene, for example, “Why did he kill him?”, “what is he after?”, “Who is the antagonist and protagonist ”, “where is she?”, “will she ever get home?”, etc. These are your typical enigmas in a thriller film, which will help us attract our audience, as they will want to keep watching.
We have introduced ideologies in our opening sequence, such as villains, victims and the way genders are shown. For example, our main character is a male which is very popular to have in thriller films as the female is shown as the weaker sex and men are shown as more dominant. Also we show he has more power throu the way he is dressed up.We have created a sense of time by showing the beginning where his identity is not revaealed and after when he revaeals him self. The first shot is in darkness and does not give away what is happening. P.O.V is used when he is making the bomb as we can see what he is doing from his own point of view.We used natural lighting on the second scene but we shot it during the day so it comes out clear and effective. There is also a lot of natural sound in this scene, such as the river, and the sound of the wind blowing, which is also effective as it shows the audience what time of the day.
We have used media language, the music, editing, sounds, having enigmas and ideologies to help create our opening sequence. We hope to attract our audience to keep watching, therefore by using media language we hopefully have succeeded.We used effects such as transitions to create a different style to the film (flashbacks), we have also used editing in order to create our film, such as,Cutting clips, Adjusting the volume,Applying music,Duplicating the sound from one clip and applying to anotherBy using media language, we have attracted an audience and we have kept them watching, made them ask questions understand the ideologies, shots and the way we edited it, which is what we where hoping for. Therefore we can say that it was successful.
Evaluation Q4
We also believe that people from over the age of 18 may also enjoy this genre so they are a secondary audience. They will enjoy it, as they wont be as scared as our younger audience, however, they will be left with a cliff-hanger and thoughts to what will happen. They will also be left with many enigmas, including what will happen after the cliff-hanger.
We believe that our main audience will be teenagers, as they tend to enjoy horror/thriller films. However we have aimed it at both males and females but more concentrates on males as they enjoy the action suspense and thriller movies more than females.
Also people who have an interest in watching thriller films will enjoy our film, as it is a thriller genre. We think that people of all races will enjoy this film as it has been made for teenagers and above who will hopefully enjoy the genre of thriller.
Evaluation Q2
We have made the character wear a shirt in the beginning so he starts off with wearing casual clothes when he has not revealed his identity but when he walks out in public he is in a suit. This makes it clear to the audience what is being portrayed. The only thing we have made our main character do is to walk confidently, as the audience needs to know that something unusual has happened as he walks normally although leaving briefcases in different locations. There is no dialogue in our opening sequence as the main character is speechless as he is making the bomb. The soundtrack makes the scene more uplifting as it is a fast beat.
Our character is quite a common victim as he is doing things casually and quickly when setting the bombs in different locations. Our audience, who gave us feedback, knew that there was something doing on when he was making the bomb and questions raised as to why he put different suitcase in different locations? This is what we needed in order to convince our audience into believing that he was the main character, therefore the outcome was a successful in the end when he throws the simcard away.
evaluation Q1
The genre of our film is thriller. We chose this type of genre as people aged around our age group tend to enjoy thriller films, rather than other genre films, as they are more eye-catching and attractive. This helps the audience to feel more engaged by looking at the genre. To make it into a thriller film, we made the story based around successful movies that have been produced. This is because, due to them being produced, we have more of a percentage of having a successful and professional film. To make it have tension, we used very pressurizing music in order to create a sense of anxiety and stress, which follows our story line. We have used a soundtrack which has an uplifting beat which emphasises the suspense. Also our soundtrack changes as we finally show the face our main character.
In order to create conventions in our film, we used various camera angles and shots, such as long distance shots, close-ups, medium shots p.o.v shots. By using various shots, we created a sense of for example, the p.o.v shot, creates a sense of you being in the film as you saw what the main character, Julian, saw. Like the focus on the making of the bomb, Which is effective as it attracts the audience and draws them in to watch more.
Our opening sequence fulfils the requirements of a thriller film as it opens with a feeling of tension and a sense of something being wrong in the making of a bomb. Our characters face is not revealed therefore it creates more tension as to who this character is and what his plot behind all of this is. It also includes an abandoned location, where the main character is sitting on a desk with screws and wires around him and we have focused the lighting in such a way that you can only see the hand of the character and what he is doing, his identity remains unrevealed until the second big scene where his identity is shown. Our opening sequence creates a mood in which there is an obvious sign that this main character is doing something but it builds tension in the audiences mind as to what and why he is doing it.
Overall, I believe our opening sequence includes all the requirements of a successful and professional thriller genre film based and connotes terrorism.