Friday 7 May 2010

evaluation Q1

Our opening sequence was a thriller film, called "Fatility".
The genre of our film is thriller. We chose this type of genre as people aged around our age group tend to enjoy thriller films, rather than other genre films, as they are more eye-catching and attractive. This helps the audience to feel more engaged by looking at the genre. To make it into a thriller film, we made the story based around successful movies that have been produced. This is because, due to them being produced, we have more of a percentage of having a successful and professional film. To make it have tension, we used very pressurizing music in order to create a sense of anxiety and stress, which follows our story line. We have used a soundtrack which has an uplifting beat which emphasises the suspense. Also our soundtrack changes as we finally show the face our main character.

In order to create conventions in our film, we used various camera angles and shots, such as long distance shots, close-ups, medium shots p.o.v shots. By using various shots, we created a sense of for example, the p.o.v shot, creates a sense of you being in the film as you saw what the main character, Julian, saw. Like the focus on the making of the bomb, Which is effective as it attracts the audience and draws them in to watch more.

Our opening sequence fulfils the requirements of a thriller film as it opens with a feeling of tension and a sense of something being wrong in the making of a bomb. Our characters face is not revealed therefore it creates more tension as to who this character is and what his plot behind all of this is. It also includes an abandoned location, where the main character is sitting on a desk with screws and wires around him and we have focused the lighting in such a way that you can only see the hand of the character and what he is doing, his identity remains unrevealed until the second big scene where his identity is shown. Our opening sequence creates a mood in which there is an obvious sign that this main character is doing something but it builds tension in the audiences mind as to what and why he is doing it.

Overall, I believe our opening sequence includes all the requirements of a successful and professional thriller genre film based and connotes terrorism.

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