Thursday 6 May 2010

evaluation Q1

In what ways does your media product use,develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?
our media film opening was based on a thriller film.therefore it was vital for us to have appropriate research on our chosen genre.After our research,we found the convensions of thriller films,we found that normally,they tend to consist of the following;
--> fast pacing helped with a lot of editing
--> frequent action
--> heroes who are against more powerful and better equipped villains

We also looked at the openings of other thriller films to give us a broader understanding of the themes and conventions used. Films such as Seven,Final destination and Taken.
When making our own thriller opening,we made sure that we took the following into consideration;
-->the title of the film;
we called the film 'fatality'.We thought this would be a suitable name as we noticed that thriller films usually have a name which consists of usually only one or two words.
-->The setting and Locations;
we have many locations throughout the opening as that fits in with the main plot of the story line. we wanted to ensure that the places we chose were all well known areas as it would make more of an effect if a well known popular tourist attraction was at risk rather than an area not many people were familiar with.
-->Costumes and Props;
we made sure that the main character who was identified as a villain in the beginning wore a black suit as it gives connotations of a shady character.
we also established the character in the beginning as mysterious. therefore we used lighting effects to hide his identity,however throughout the rest of the scenes we uncovered his identity as we wanted him to blend in with the crowd when planting the bombs so it could be seen that he looks like a normal business man.
the special effects we used were lighting effects and quick editing shots which fits in with the conventions of a thriller film

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