Friday 7 May 2010

Evaluation Q2

Our film is targeted at our age grouped teenagers, this is because due to it being a thriller film, people around this age group are allowed to watch it, and therefore that is why we have chosen them to grab their attention. We have used a character of a man, who is in an unknown environment and is making a bomb. The costume we have used for this is black shoes, black tie, black briefcase, black suit. We have used this clothing to show that he looks like a typical businessman. The use of black clothing connotes a villain and adds questions in the audiences mind. Hw is dressed like a normal casual businessman so that he fits in with the rest of the crowd throughout. The way he is dressed shows that he is a confident man who knows what he is doing. We make him wear a suit as that is a stereotypical thing for a businessman to wear.
We have made the character wear a shirt in the beginning so he starts off with wearing casual clothes when he has not revealed his identity but when he walks out in public he is in a suit. This makes it clear to the audience what is being portrayed. The only thing we have made our main character do is to walk confidently, as the audience needs to know that something unusual has happened as he walks normally although leaving briefcases in different locations. There is no dialogue in our opening sequence as the main character is speechless as he is making the bomb. The soundtrack makes the scene more uplifting as it is a fast beat.

Our character is quite a common victim as he is doing things casually and quickly when setting the bombs in different locations. Our audience, who gave us feedback, knew that there was something doing on when he was making the bomb and questions raised as to why he put different suitcase in different locations? This is what we needed in order to convince our audience into believing that he was the main character, therefore the outcome was a successful in the end when he throws the simcard away.

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