Friday 7 May 2010

Evaluation (Question5)

Evaluation (Question5)

We built many elements enduring to help build an appeal to our target audience. We only had one character , from what I would understand from just watching the opening of our film I would probably be thinking the character is a villain for the time being, building that sense would be on point as we don’t intend to thought all the twists, turns, and mysteries straight away in the opening . However, we intended to construct a frame which for the audience to atleast thinks he is a villain. We framed many camera shots at times either to show an understand but also at times building focus on something particular as the audience engage with the film. Soundtrack is relevant as all sound we used, were co-linked around a gloomy action packed music theme which fits good with the scenery as we tried build impact energy in our opening to make the audience think something is going to happen. Furthermore, we gathered initial audience feedback which is essential ,as we analysed as a whole main target that our downfalls were in near the exact opening were the character was building a bomb the lightings effects were to bright editing, inconsistent shots camera shots changing , coming in from different directions which was noticed by quite a few candidates, , another main downfall noticed was the soundtrack from the minute 1:08 the constant beating sound was described by many as too over the top main of all a critic. However, from our initial feedback we did gather positive points , such as plot was described mainly the best part alongside the scene when the character is making the bomb , that has been our main honour in favour as I guess it may have catched the eye of the audience

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