Friday, 7 May 2010

Evaluation Q4

Our target audience is teenagers as it is a thriller film with a teenage main character and theme. We have targeted it at this age group, as we believe that that they will be particularly happy with the genre, as they are old enough to watch it.

We also believe that people from over the age of 18 may also enjoy this genre so they are a secondary audience. They will enjoy it, as they wont be as scared as our younger audience, however, they will be left with a cliff-hanger and thoughts to what will happen. They will also be left with many enigmas, including what will happen after the cliff-hanger.
We believe that our main audience will be teenagers, as they tend to enjoy horror/thriller films. However we have aimed it at both males and females but more concentrates on males as they enjoy the action suspense and thriller movies more than females.

Also people who have an interest in watching thriller films will enjoy our film, as it is a thriller genre. We think that people of all races will enjoy this film as it has been made for teenagers and above who will hopefully enjoy the genre of thriller.

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