Friday 7 May 2010


Overall I believe that our film was a complete success. We put a lot of hard work into it from the beginning starting from the script and storyline and story plan. It took us a lot of time to find which location would be good for our opening to a thriller movie. It was also successful as our audience feedback showed us that they understood the story line, the main character's situation, location, use of effects and editing, ideologies, enigmas. The audience also figured what we wanted to portray. We did not lack anything or have any weaknesses however if we had more time we would have added more locations which would cause more suspense also the sound in which your main character speaks was abit low die to the editing going wrong, however if we had more time this could have been corrected well. In my opinion I think that our final product looks very professional as well as it is very successful and has been edited professionally

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