Friday 7 May 2010


Looking back to your preliminary task,what do you feel that you have learnt in the progression from it to the full product?

our preliminary task helped us to understand the importance of the planning and scripting before going in straight for the filming as lack of organisation will ruin the whole set and waste time which will probably end up with poor results. even though we passed the task,we still felt we could do much better,therefore,we made sure that we had planned carefully on our storyboards and scripts. we also made sure we did a clear research on our chosen genre and sub genre and think carefully about representations.
We used a variety of different shots in our opening such as an establishing shot,close ups,and a few high and low angle shots.
we also looked carefully into the diagetic and non diagetic sounds. our soundtrak was made from scratch and not borrowed from another as we thought this may decrease the realism.
for our editing,we used fast cuts so the opening as more of a fast flowing rhythem which goes wel with the soundtrack,there were a few fade in and fade outs and slow motion was also used at the end to emphisis on the tension

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