Thursday, 6 May 2010

evaluation Q2

The main character in our media product was meant to be a middle aged asian terrorist. this fits in with the stereotypes of a terrorist as we gave out questionnaires and interviews to the public asking them on what they think a stereotypical terrorist would look like. we based our main characters on the audiences stereotypes.
however we also made sure that he was smart and classy,as near the end of the film,the audiences realise that he is not the villian but instead the hero.
we also had to think about gender,which was an important factor as a terrorist could also be a woman,however,we wanted to keep to the stereotypes that people have about the power and authority given to different gender. we asked a variety of differnt types of people-from different age,gender and ethnicity,and 89% of them agreed that this was a patriarchal society (male dominant). therefore we wanted to make sure that the main character held a lot of power and therefore we made our main character a male.

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