Sunday, 28 March 2010

Conventions Of Thriller Moives

When we decided on the genre of thriller for our opening sequence, we discussed the codes and conventions of a thriller film. Before planning or doing a storyboard for our opening sequesnce we had to decide what it consited off. We also had to decide what sub genre we wer going to do our opening sequence on. After a lot of brainstorming and thought we decided to do a “terrorist action thriller moive”.The reason we chose this was beacse it is not a very common topic and a sun-genre and is quite unusual. However we found that in all of the thrillers the location of the opening sequence is usually hard to distinguish, this may be to make the characters feel more singled out and scared, or so it makes the setting more mysterious which creates In all thriller films we found that there was a villain and victim character such The Dark Knight which we did an anaylisys of. Another convention of thriller films we took into account when deciding on our opening sequence was the plot. The general plot for a thriller film is mystery We have used this idea of a buisenessman to to make it look less revaling to the audience. We also found that the villain character was quite often disguised, unknown, or had their identity hidden for the opening sequence of the film for example in the first scene in the making of the bomb when we used the lighting in such a way that the identity remains unrevealed and unknown.Another convention of thriller films we took into account when deciding on our opening sequence was the plot. The general plot for a thriller film is mystery.

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