Sunday 28 March 2010

Research Analysis On thriller Movie (The Dark knight)

While doing some research we also looked at some other openings to thriller movies. The opening to the movie the hark knight inspired us to look more closely at the way we represent the main character. In our opening to the thriller movie we made our main character wear black and that how he is represented as a businessman. By the way the character was dressed it gave the audience a brief idea of how the character is. The opening we looked at helped up with deciding the props for our opening. We specifically looked at moives which had a bit of suspense and therefore through of the analysing “The Dark Knight”.

The location is the first thing that is presented to the audience in the opening sequence, as the camera goes down over the city targeting a certain glass building. This is one of the main aspects of an opening sequence, to create the location, as this it gives the audience a sense of where the film will take place.There is a use of action which is created at the start of this film, as a gun is fired out of the building the camera was focusing on, smashing the window.The characters that are included in the opening sequence are then introduced. These are the villains in the film, and are instantly recognisable as are all wearing masks intending to be the Joker, including the real Joker who is one of the protagonist characters in the filmAs there is a medium shot zooming in the mask a car pulls over in the background. There is use of non diegetic sound while we are being told as the audience to focus on the mask. This is allowing the audience o know that the scene has commended. The scene than cuts to three men in a mask sitting inside a car they are all wearing a mask which connotes that they are doing some kind of fraud. As they get out of the car there is a medium shot of them running into a building. Many diegetic sounds are heard include the ticking of a clock which was helped the audience understand the tension and emphasis the suspense taking place in the scene.Dialogues in this scene is a key factor to help represent gender as it allows the audience to understand that the characters in the mis-en-scene are and dominating and powerful by the tone of their voice and the things they were talking about. They looked like they were involved in some kind of business fraud. They run in to the building with guns shooting everywhere. Facial expressions are a key factor throughout this sequence as it allows the audience to know the communications and interactions between all the characters.

The mis-en-scence shows the fright on peoples faces as they come in with guns. There are diegetic sounds of screaming in the background.The scene then immediately cuts to the two people in masks fixing a silent alarm on the building. There is a twist to the story in the begging as a man in the joker mask shoot another man of his type in a joker mask. This tries to add more tension and complication to the scene. Each of the jokers tries and kills each other as they want the money to themselves. This builds up the tension.One killing all the jokers the one man left takes off his mask and he is the real joker with his true identity. As he reveal himself to the man on the floor his facial expressions connote to us that he is in a shock to see that he is the real joker being the mask. The use of low angle shot connotes to use that he has a lot of power and is dominated. The facial expressions of the businessman connote to the audience the tension and worry which is about to come. The body language also allows the audience to judge what he is like. As the scene zooms in we are more focused on the costume and makeup. The real joker looks very similar to the mask. The lightening and colour used in the scene allow the audience to know the aspects they have to focus on .We are shown low key lighting on the joker.

Editing Is another important factor the director uses is continually editing and the shot reverse shot between the real joker and the business man allows the audience to understand the interaction and conversation occurring between the characters. We also see an eyeline shot of the business man trying to get the gun which he had dropped. This connotes that he has lost the one thing that helped him keep his power and authority.The costume of the joker is presented in quite unique way. He has a lot of makeup and there are many close-ups of the joker that are used. At this point the mis-en-scence shows us that the joker has more authority as he is looked at by a low angle shot to show he has power, authority and status.
From researching this opening sequence for The Dark Knight, I have learnt that immediately grabbing the attention and imagination of the audience is key
The most important thing an opening sequence should do is create enigmas, which are to be answered throughout the film. Enigmas are what keeps the audience motivated through the film, as questions that are created need to be answered.

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