Sunday, 28 March 2010

Sub-genre of thriller films

There are many different conventions of a thriller film.
Our thriller was an Action thriller,this sub genre of thriller usually consists of a race against time,lots of pressure on the hero and a villain.Example of a thriller film that shares a sub genre of action are the James Bond films.
Other Sub-genre of thriller films are Crime thrillers. this can be films like Reservoir dogs and Seven. Both these films focus highly on the villain,as they are made to be extremely clever and deep inside.
Disaster thrillers have been quite popular over the years as they consist of films with earthquakes,volcanoes,and other natural or man made disasters that the heroes are struggling to keep in hand and managing to save as many people as possible. Examples of this type of film is 2012 and The day after tomorrow.
Drama thrillers have also been a hit with the audience. thrillers under this sub genre usually are slow paced however consist of many twisted plots and surprises. An example of this kind of film is The Prestige,where many plots are used.

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