Monday 29 March 2010

Dates and Times

We had a deadline to hand in our filming by so we had to decide the dates we were going to film on, Because of the good weather we decides to film on the days which we thought would be suitable. We decided that we would film in the weekend because we all have school during the week and not all of us could make it on the same days during the week days therefore we decided as a group that we would meet up at a certain location and from there start filming. Also when we started filming we made sure it was during the day because we needed enough natural lighting. Our first location was the drama studio which wasn’t a problem because it was indoors. Followed by the second scene which was at central London and Wembley park station. The day we were filming at central we reached there early because it was far and we didn’t want to get there too late as we needed enough natural light.

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