Sunday 28 March 2010

The Main Character

Our main character connotes a middle aged Asian young looking terrorist, Dress as a powerful business who lives a content modern life by himself. The reason he is dresses like a businessman to do plant bombs everywhere is because he wants fit in with the crowd and does not want it to look like he is involved with anything so that people don’t get suspicious. He is also dressed in full black. the audience with questions such as to why the character is in a black suit.. The connotation for this might be that he is going to a funeral or he is going to work. but the truth remains unknown.
The director plays about with the use of colour in order to emphasize and draw any focal points of certain bits for example most villains are dressed in the colour black. Also it connotes a dark mystery for the audience by the use of colour used.

The main character does not reveal his identity until he has finally made the bomb and is ready to start putting it in different places. We first reveal his identity as he is walking to an empty bench where he can leave the suitcase. There is a quick shot of the London eye to show that he has left it somewhere where there are a lot of people.

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