Monday 29 March 2010

Thriller opening sequences

We are now going to analyse the opening sequences of several thriller films, to see the mis-en—scene and also how the location, characters, props and other things are portrayed. Also we are going to look at how the use of the music, lighting, make-up, dialogue and camera angles creates a mysterious and unknown effect, which helps set the scene in most thriller films and movies. An opening sequence is meant to try to get the audience into watching the rest of the film, this is done by catching the audiences imaginations by the use of effects and details used such as music and lighting and character roles. It is also achieved by creating enigmas within the opening sequence; also this makes the audience continue to watch the rest film, as they want to find out the answers to these enigmas. The opening sequence is mainly the reason why people carry on watching the rest of the movie. An attention grabbing atmosphere also needs to be created at the opening sequence, to again keep the audience 'glued' to the film

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