Sunday, 28 March 2010

The Script.

The first shot that the film opens with the main character making the bomb. At this point we have used the lighting in such a way that we do not reveal the main characters face. This connotes that he has a hidden identity. The main character is wearing a casual shirt during the making of the bomb. There are several uses of tracking shots. The tracking shots used and done from several different angles such as from the front left to right, from the corners, left and right from the back. We used a variety of shots towards the end of making the bomb scene. The type of shots we used were medium high angles shots to give the audience a clear view of how he is making the bomb, also the suitcase is placed near him so when he finishes making the bomb he puts it into the suitcase and closes it.

The characters identity is revealed further here in the form of a businessman. The director plays about with the use of colour in order to emphasize and draw any focal points of certain bits for example at the beginning there is a strong use of lighting to show the making of the bomb. There is a strong use of lighting to show the making of the bomb. The next shot opens with the main actor in a suit and a briefcase in his hand walking in the city connoting that he is a businessman. As we use a medium shot of him walking we see the London eye is the background to show that it is in the heart of the city. Connotations show that this is a busy city are suggested through diegetic sound and the shots used of the London eye. There are also many people in the background to suggest that it is a busy area. The character is introduced as he walkes at a fast pace with the briefcase on his right hand held tight. The soundtrack emphasize his status and power. He is dressed in black. From his black shirt, tie suit and polished black shoes as it connotes dark mystery, also from our research we found that most villains are dressed in the colour black, holding a black suitcase, we made sure that the colour of the suitcase is black as once again we wanted to create enigma. He then walkes to a bench and sits down with a long shot of him leaving the suitcase on the bench and looking around as he walkes off.
The next shot is of the back of the suitcase as it is left there and the camera moves up to show the London eye in the background in the mis-en-secene. The following shot is taking from a high shot on a brigde. The camara is facing down and a low angle shot is taken of the actor walking past the brigde, Another shot is of him walking up the stairs. we decided to have a high angle shot as it emphases the amount of people that were around and it also makes the character fit in with the crowd as we didn't want him to stand out. There are many people walking up but we used the shot so that the main character is in the middle. we used cuts so that it looks more continuous. One he walks up the stairs we show a long shot of the character leaving the suitcase there and walking away. And the camara focuses on he suitcase with a close up so the audience attention goes on the suitcase which is placed on the ground.

The following shot is located at Wembley park station. we chose this because we wanted to have a shot outside a station. We use a low angle shot of the actor walking up the stairs of the station. we also used cuts to make the scene look continuous furthermore the reason we picked Wembley park in particular was because we wanted to show that we filmed in different parts of London not just the heart of London. We chose a station as it is a busy area as u will be able to see quite a few people walking up and down the stairs of the station. We made the actor fit in with the crowd as we didn’t want him to stand out at all. It is then followed by medium shot of the actor coming into the train and leaving the briefcase on the train facing upwards as he sits in an empty carriage. This shows that As he walks off there is an extreme close up of the suitcase followed by the camera tilting upwards as he leaves. It is tilted upwards so the audience can see that the train is moving and the briefcase has been left there.

The next shot cuts straight away to walking out of the train without a suitcase where the bomb was located in. The next part of the opening shots a scene created in editing with special effects as it appears in slow motion and is in a different location. It is set in an empty car park where a phone call has to be made. There is a good use of medium shots of the actor opening the gate of the empty car park. He takes his phone out and there is an extreme close shot of him dialling “999”. The first bit of dialogue is introduced which beings to narrate body language which the viewer may have missed. ‘he walks around while talking to the police, empty background with no one else visible in the mis-en-scene. This portrays a powerful and wise side to the character. Several use of cuts are used as he is speaking on the pone to the police and there are some uses of close ups to show that characters body language and facial expressions. The sound track becomes slower so the voice of the character can be heard clearly.

The instrumental soundtrack is far in the background and cannot be heard well. This creates suspense to the atmosphere. The shot slowly zooms into a close-up in which the audience can see the face of the character in detail with his identity revealed. Once finishing the call the character takes the sim card out of the phone and throwing it away. This is done in slow motion and done at a slower rate and emphasises a dramatic moment as he walks off. The final shot, a low angle, is zoomed in rapidly and has a use of an extreme close up of the simcard as he walkes away in slow motion as the sound track begins to play once again. The effect of zooming in and the music playing connotes the status and power of the character. The director plays about with the use of colour in order to emphasize and draw any focal points of certain bits for example at the beginning there is a strong use of lighting to show the making of the bomb followed by a normal days lighting where he places the bomb in different locations and finally at the end in the empty car park where the lighting is not so bright as it is in the evening where he makes the phone call to the police which engages the audience.

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