Saturday 27 March 2010

Use of lighting.

the use of lighting in a shot can determine the type of shot it is,for example, where backlighting may be used,it could suggest,a dark mysterious character-possible a villian. we took this into consideration when deciding the lighting effects we should use as we wanted our main character (who is being portrayed as a villain) to be shown to our audience as this mysterious character. we wanted this done by the influence of lighting effects,as we realized that the audience appreciate the film more if the information about characters is not 'spoon-feed' to them,as in the audiene themselves have to think for themselves,this keeps the enigma in the film.
There are many different kinds of lighting that we researched on,such as background lighting - This is when the background is strongly lighted to make a seperation between the main object in the frame-for example the main character. sometimes,filtes are also used,so a red coloured filter could be used to fit in with the theme and highlight certain focus points in the shot.
An example of a film where this is used is in 'I Am Legend.'

This is an example of background lighting used in I Am Legend.
Another type of lighting used in cinematic techniques,is Cameo lighting-this is like spotlight that focuses on a particular object in the frame,it focuses the audiences attension to a particular object or person.
Fill Lighting can also be used to fill up the scene with light including the object itself, This means the object is focused with lights from all three sides,this blinds the contrast that there may be in differnt areas of the scene.however
there is also a lighting techinique called 'three-point lighting',which increases the contrast to create a three dimensional effect.

This is an image which shows how Three-point lighting is done. There is many other lighting effects such as Flood lighting,lens flare,and high-key lighting and many more. however i chose to focus on three point lighting,background lighting, cameo lighting and fill point lighting as they were the ones that we decided to use.

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